Jewish High Holidays (12 Recordings)
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Each recording is approximately one hour long and can be downloaded.
- Purim: Megillat Esther (The history of Purim), the 5 Mitzvot
- Pesach introduction: History, Halacha, Traditions, Mitzvot
- Pesach Seder: Deep Halacha, the Pesach Seder in detail
- Shavuot: History, Halacha and traditions
- Rosh Hashanah 1: History, Halacha and customs
- Rosh Hashanah 2: Complex Jewish law and the synagogue service
- Yom Kippur: How to observe the most important Jewish day
- Sukkot: The Halacha of the Sukkah, Lulav and Etrog
- Shemini Atzeret: The High Holidays Simchat Torah & Hashanah Raba
- Channukah 1 (Theory): The history & the spiritual meaning of Channukah
- Channukah 2 (Practice): How to light the Channukah candles
- Tu B'Shevat: The Jewish new year of the trees, gematria