"Jewishbychoice" is a conversion consulting agency and online Judaism school created by Ilana Schiffner in 2020. After completing her own Orthodox conversion to Judaism, Ilana started to help other Jewish souls in their journey to return home to the Jewish faith and Am Yisrael (the Jewish nation).
Today Ilana assists more than 500 conversion candidates worldwide and in Israel.
Ilana offers Judaism online classes, that prepare the candidates for their Beit Din meeting and general conversion assistance. If you are just starting your journey to Judaism and don't know where and how to start, this is the right address for you! See all her services here.
Ilana Schiffner
I am Ilana Schiffner, 29 years old, originally from Germany and I am literally Jewish by choice. I finally found spiritual fulfilment and my destination in the Jewish religion and my new home in Israel.
After having completed my Orthodox conversion to Judaism with the Rabbinate of Israel, I started to dedicate my time to help people in their conversion process.
I am a successful Instagram blogger (@Jewishbychoice) and I aim to inspire other Jewish souls with my journey.
I am here to answer your questions and to help you find your way into the Jewish faith and the Jewish community.
From my own experience I understand how challenging the process of becoming Jewish can be. I also understand the longing of your Jewish soul to finally return home. With my help you will be guided into the Jewish world and will experience a smooth and structured process of conversion to Judaism.