- Judaism Online Classes
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- All Judaism Recordings (50x)
All Judaism Recordings (50x)
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The package of 50 recordings covers everything you need to know for a successful conversion!
Each recording is approximately one hour long and can be downloaded.
- Introduction into Jewish observance: Shabbat, Kashrut, Blessings, Prayer
- Introduction into Jewish faith: What does a Jew believe? The 13 principles of Jewish faith, the Noahide laws, creation,
- Pesach introduction: History, Halacha, Traditions, Mitzvot
- Pesach advanced: Deep Halacha, the Pesach Seder in detail
- How to make your home kosher for Pesach: Halacha of kashering and a practical guide
- Counting the Omer: How to observe the 7 weeks after Pesach
- Jewish Prayer: How to start praying the daily Jewish prayers
- Yom HaZicharon & Yom HaAtzma'ut: The Jewish memorial days
- Blessings I: Before-food-blessing & blessings of the daily Jewish life
- Blessings II: After-food-blessings, Halacha of blessing
- Shavuot: History, Halacha and traditions
- Niddah: A guide into Jewish family purity
- Tzniut: What is Jewish modesty really?
- Beit HaMikdash: The Jewish history around the two Jewish Temples
- Kashrut I: How to start a kosher lifestyle and make your kitchen kosher?
- The Jewish fast days: History of the fast days and how to to observe them
- Kashrut II: Advanced Jewish law of a kosher life
- The Three Weeks: what is forbidden in the 3 weeks before the 9th of Av?
- Derech Eretz: Jewish ethics & Lashon hara
- Shabbat 1: Candle lighting, Kiddush, Havdalah
- Shabbat 2: 39 Melachot
- Shabbat 3: Complex Jewish law
- Shabbat 4: Mukzeh
- Slichot:The preparation for the Jewish New Year
- Rosh Hashanah 1:History, Halacha and customs
- Rosh Hashanah 2: Complex Jewish law and the synagogue service
- Yom Kippur: How to observe the most important Jewish day
- Sukkot: The Halacha of the Sukkah, Lulav and Etrog
- Shemini Atzeret: The High Holidays Simchat Torah & Hashanah Raba
- Jewish History 1: Adam, Chava, Noach and their sons (the first 20 generations of the Torah)
- Jewish History 2: Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov (our forefathers)
- Jewish History 3: The Israelites in Egypt & the 10 plagues
- Jewish History 4: 40 years in the desert
- Jewish History 5: The Jewish prophets
- Jewish History timeline: What happened when in Jewish history?
- The Jewish Calendar: Jewish years, months, days and hours...
- Channukah 1 (Theory): The history & the spiritual meaning of Channukah
- Channukah 2 (Practice): How to light the Channukah candles
- Synagogue and Siddur: The Jewish prayer service and the prayer book
- Life & Death: Jewish funeral and mourning rituals
- Jewish Rabbis: The most important Rabbis in Jewish history
- Jewish Lifecycle Events: Brit Milah, Bar & Bat Mitzvah, wedding & co
- Tu B'Shevat: The Jewish new year of the trees
- Talmud: The Mishna, the Gemara and Rashi
- Beit Din Q&A: 100 Beit Din questions and answers
- Practical Judaism: How to start observing the Jewish law
- Tefillin and Tallit: The mitzvoth of the Jewish Men
- Purim: Megillat Esther (The history of Purim), the 5 Mitzvot of Purim
- Biblical Hebrew: How to start reading and understanding the Torah
- Tefillin and Tallit: The Mitzvot of the Jewish Men